Semen retention occurs when a man intentionally refrains from ejaculation. Semen retention does not mean avoiding sex, so calm down for a minute and read this article. It means not releasing the magic juice, but rather retaining it. Semen retention is not a new idea that just popped up recently. It is an ancient practice. Many cultures believe that semen retention aligns greatly with spiritual significance.
There is extremely limited science available on the benefits, but almost all studies state there are virtually no disadvantages (or harmfulness) to practicing semen retention. Individuals who practice semen retention state that it provides health advantages. Semen that is not ejaculated sits in the epididymis until it dies and is reabsorbed by the body. There is no effect on your overall health by allowing this to occur. Men who retain semen state that it brings physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits to them.
Other names for semen retention include:
♂ Coitus Reservatus
♂ Conservation Semina
♂ Sexual Continence
The body uses many resources to make semen. It pulls the required ingredients from organs and even spinal fluid. If your body is constantly making semen, energy is being used to create the semen. Men who practice semen retention often have significantly higher energy levels, because their body is not steadily creating more semen.
Benefits to Semen Retention
The following is a list of known benefits achieved by retaining semen:
♂ Improved Sperm Quantity: Abstaining from ejaculation improves sperm quantity. However, some studies show that the quality deteriorates quite drastically. Most fertility studies state that semen retention is not a good option when trying to conceive. Have meaningful sex daily or at least every other day when trying to make a baby.
♂ Noticeable Increase in Energy: Retaining sperm can boost testosterone levels by up to 45 percent in about a week. Normal levels return within a few days. Increased energy generally is associated with high testosterone levels. While this is not a hard and fast rule, ejaculation has a tendency to deplete energy and decreases vitality.
♂ Increased Focus and Motivation: Zinc is imperative for proper brain function, memory, and hormonal balance. If you are ejaculating more quickly than your body can create semen, you are depleting your energy. Examine your Zinc intake if you are having brain fog or feeling sluggish, to ensure your body is getting enough Zinc through your diet.
♂ Self-Control: Enhancement of mental health. Avoiding excessive masturbation (emphasis on excessive, because masturbation itself is not necessarily unhealthy) daily. Avoid porn. Many studies have shown that watching pornography and excessive masturbation urges are more overwhelming in the brain than any other addiction. If you are ready to quit porn and focus on real life relationships, email me. Men report greater overall happiness and satisfaction in their lives when practicing retention. Others have reported deeper and more meaningful relationships.
♂ Increased Testosterone Levels: Studies show that practicing semen retention increases testosterone levels. Another study stated that not ejaculating for seven days can increase testosterone level by 146 percent of baseline levels. Whereas, another study stated that increases in testosterone levels were seen after three weeks of non-ejaculation. The amount of days it takes to see an increase in testosterone levels are all over the place. However, most studies show there is an increase. I believe that the studies show different levels of testosterone because men naturally have different levels.
♂ Improved Libido: People who refrain from excessive masturbation and watching porn have increased sex drives and increased desire present. Men who do not ejaculate for a period of time reported improved sex life and more intense orgasms when ejaculation occurs.
♂ Improved Sleep Quality: Semen retention may result in getting more sleep, which increases testosterone levels. High testosterone levels then translate to better sleep. It’s a positive self-perpetuating cycle.
♂ Improved Confidence: People who practice semen retention have more self confidence and report feeling a sense of peace. When you are releasing semen at your maximum capacity, it also can release your vigor and aggressiveness.
♂ Better Orgasm: Not ejaculating leads to more intense orgasms for men. Orgasms after practicing semen retention are stronger than edging orgasms.
♂ Increased Life Efficacy : Self control is developed, and the desire to ejaculate will be funneled into something else into your life. Instead of being a man controlled completely by your sexual desires, you will become exactly who you want to be without having to exert too much effort. If a man is ejaculating everyday, he is most likely in a state of constant depletion which adversely affects many of the benefits stated above.
Potential Cons to Practicing Semen Retention
♂ Issues with Ejaculating: This is not a guaranteed result of practicing semen retention, but some men report having a difficult time coming after abstaining for a long period.
♂ Premature Ejaculation: There is a danger of coming sooner than desired during sex after not ejaculating for a long while.
♂ Retrograde Ejaculation: This causes semen to travel back into the bladder. There are no health complications associated with retrograde ejaculation, however it can cause problems when trying to conceive.
♂ Mood Disorders: Withholding sperm in the body can create anxiety or mood swings, if you are not channeling your sexual energy until it is time to release. Find something, don’t be out in the world being crazy. Men should go to the gym regularly for health purposes and to become the best protectors they can be. There is not a man I have met that has gotten angry or offended when someone says: Damn you are really shredded. Also, if you are having mood swings, what exactly is wrong? Fix the thing that is keeping you off balance.
Why Do Men Feel Drained After Ejaculation?
The body releases prolactin when a man ejaculates. After ejaculation has occurred, testosterone levels are low. The feeling of being drained is caused by the release of prolactin and the decrease in testosterone. If you ejaculate at high levels, then you will have high prolactin levels, which has an adverse effect on overall energy.
Semen retention will balance hormones, which causes testosterone levels to increase. Women can sense men who retain their seed subconsciously, because a man will be overflowing with intangible power and energy, and he will radiate calm power and magnetic sexual energy.
Semen Retention vs NoFap
Semen retention is not exactly NoFapping. The main focus in NoFap is abstaining from porn. NoFap preaches abstinence from porn-motivated orgasms, while others practice NoFap by only orgasming with a partner. This practice is designed to reprogram the brain to have and maintain healthy sexual relationships by eliminating porn completely, and removing masturbation (or excessive masturbation, depending on who you ask in the movement).
Masturbation is not evil, but it is a problem when it controls you, or you are doing it as a replacement for intimacy in a sexless relationship. Semen retention is retention of the semen, or retaining your seed as stated above. Semen retention includes masturbation or having sex, but not releasing your life liquid.
Heidi’s Thoughts
Well… believe it or not friends, I do not have a penis. Thus, I do not practice semen retention. I also do not rely on porn to orgasm, so NoFap is not something that I allow into my energy. I don’t believe in suppressing sex. Sexual energy is wonderful, especially when you share it with one who sets your soul on fire. I do not, however, believe in overindulging in sex in a way that is depleting, especially when excessive masturbation is present or pornography is relied upon in order to orgasm.
Using sexual energy that deepens a relationship is actually the best. You cannot have excessive masturbation and have sex that makes your soul do backflips. Kyle mainly practices semen retention when we do not have sex together or mutually masturbate together. He has certainly masturbated in the past and does every so often if I am on a trip.
Now, one time he masturbated in the shower and didn’t tell me. I had to move the overpriced organic oil out of the shower because he forgot. Heidi 1, Kyle 0. Men, don’t lie, because we always know. Women’s intuition, gentlemen. Also, what if you say I am going to go jerk off to my ex girlfriend unless you want to jump on my dick tonight. Ok, haha. Don’t say that. But, let her/him know you would like to orgasm and tell your partner that you are going to masturbate. Allow some time for them to respond.
Another side note: make sure your partner does not want sex, because the penis does have a reset time, even if most men don’t want to admit that. Unless you are in your early 20’s, the penis basically collapses for rest time after ejaculation. Kyle jerked off once many years ago, then in bed that night it could not do anything. Him: OMG, I am so sorry. Me: WTF is actually wrong with you.
Experiential Benefits of Practicing Semen Retention
Below is a list of benefits Kyle has reported to me since he began practicing semen retention:
♂ Noticeable Overall Energy Increase.
♂ Strong, Pleasurable Orgasms.
♂ Increased Sexual Energy.
♂ Better Sex.
♂ Easier Time Orgasming.
♂ Increased Motivation for Life Tasks.
♂ Much Higher Overall Confidence.
♂ Aggressive Nature. Kyle’s masculine energy is heavily present when he practices semen retention. This is not a bad thing. Men are aggressive by nature, and as long as they channel that energy productively, it is attractive. Men who can channel their aggressivity are good protectors, and being a good protector is sexy.
♂ Increased Mental Clarity and Enjoyment of Sex.
These are the most salient benefits Kyle has stated. Frequent sex is typically associated with more happiness and greater well-being overall. Almost every study published shows a direct correlation between higher self esteem in people that are having sex and where both people are orgasming (from sex or masturbation).
What is the Magic Number?
I get this question a lot. How often should a man ejaculate? This answer varies from man to man. The average of two times a week is considered to be “normal” and healthy. If you feel you need to release semen more or less often, as long as the number corresponds to an elevated state of energy, then that amount would be considered your “magic” ejaculation number.
The European Urology Journal published the results from an 18-year study looking at the connection between ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer. Men were 20% less likely to develop prostate cancer if they ejaculated more than 20 times per month, and 21 times was deemed the ideal amount. Testosterone levels maxed out on the seventh day (or the 10th day, depending on which study you are following).
There are no set rules on how many times a man should ejaculate, and you have to find out what works best for you (and your partner). Go with the flow, listen to your body and don’t be dogmatic or overly judgmental. Men were given semen, there is nothing wrong with releasing it in moderation.
With love,