What Sound?

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I saw this tweet and sent it to a few people in my phone. I have laughed at the replies. PLEASE send me the sound you would choose. The best response I received, minus mine, is below.

The first audio is from my client (Bookkeeping, not Sexology: not that it matters to him or me. He doesn’t need coaching for relationships, s*x or, love. However, he definitely needs me to reconcile his books accurately and tell him factually what is up with his business).

The last audio is mine. You know, if I had a penis. I don’t have one. I know I was born a female because if I had a penis, I would be a totally unproductive human and do the elephant thing all the time.


Send me your thoughts on this tweet (obviously not mine) please. If you prefer to send audio, send it to me through text.

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With love,

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